Friday, January 2, 2009

I was born the end of May, which would make me a Gemini. That means there is two of me, and though it sounds great in theory, instead of working as a team, the two of me are at constant battle with ourselves. My techie husband spent all yesterday, unbeknownst to me, figuring out a blog site that would integrate with my existing webserver. Apparently eBlogger doesn't. So when he announced first thing this morning that he had it all laid out and I should check it out, I panicked. My one half was instantly annoyed that I would have to relearn something I've just started, figure out how to redirect everyone to a different blog site, and was that even the wisest thing to do, and the other half of my two selves thought it made a lot of sense, to work directly through my own server, and I'd have more flexibility with add-ons and viewer comments, etc. And since I'm only just started the blog, now would make the most sense. Still...

So, for now, until I have the new blogging site figured out, and apparently I can bring in the posts from the old one for continuity, I'll blog duplicate postings.

My new Blog Site is

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